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May 23, 2009

Facebar - The (unofficial) Facebook toolbar - Facebook Tools

This is the latest update for Facebar, the now unofficial Facebook toolbar. You can install it now!

The newest features on this release include:

* Automatic Login
* Check for New Messages
* Checks your recently updated friends (and what they've changed)
* Preferences to manage the settings of the toolbar
* Cleaner look (and sporting the real Facebook icons)
* Firefox 2.0 and higher support
* Oh, and it still doesn't use the Facebook API!

To install the toolbar, click here (facebar1.5.xpi - 20k). After it's installed, you'll need to restart Firefox.

To change your settings for autologin, checking for updates, etc., click on the big Facebook button (left side of the toolbar), then Preferences.

Download Face Bar Now

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