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Jun 10, 2009

Mobypicture (For iPhone, Nokia) - Shoot n share, A service to post to your blog and micro-blogging sites like Twitter through your mobile phone.

Shoot n Share, it's that simple!

Directly share with all popular social sites: facebook, twitter, flickr, blogger, vimeo, and more!

iPhone App version 1.1.1

This is the first version of our App!
You can use it to share your adventures with friends on your social sites and services instantly.

This version allows you to upload your postings quickly, without having to use email on your phone!

You post your photo and text with the app, and we will distribute it to the services you've set up (we support Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Jaiku, Tumblr, Blogger, Wordpress and Hyves at the moment. MySpace, Netlog, Hi5, Movable Type and many other popular platforms will be added soon)

Nokia users!

Mobypicture supports the ATOM-publishing protocol. This means that people using Nokia-phones can use Nokia Share Online or Nokia Lifeblog (older phones) to send your photos/videos directly to Mobypicture!

Post using Share Online
Point your phone to:

You will be asked to download a configuration file for Share Online. Save it to your phone and open it.
After Mobypicture has been added as a provider in Share Online, you need to enter your username and PIN.

Post using Lifeblog
Lifeblog needs to be configured manually. To do this, follow these steps:

* Open Lifeblog on your phone
* Go to: “Options” -> “Settings” -> “Blog”
* Go to: “Options” -> “New account”

You will be asked for the following information:

* Account name: Mobypicture
* Username:
* Password:
* Server address:
* Internet access point: Choose the method you desire to transfer your media over
* Optimise images: Choose an appropriate size for sending your photos

After completing these settings you can use Nokia Lifeblog with Mobypicture!

So Get Mobypicture Now!

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