by James Mallinson
Now that Twitter has several million active users, it’s no surprise to see such a variety of people discussing a wide range of topics. But while the content of all those tweets may be so different, they ultimately fall roughly into five categories.
Now, before you all go off and close your browsers, saying you’ve read it all before, consider the following. All the most popular people on Twitter (excluding celebrities who largely get by due to their fame) are very effective at balancing these five categories to create an interesting and engaging conversation with their followers. They’re not all about retweets or replies and they don’t just talk about their personal life all the time.
I’ll go more into this later in this post, but firstly let’s look at what exactly those five categories are.
Twitter can feel like thousands of people all talking at the same time. There are things you can do to tame it but even so, interesting tweets can all too easily slip past people. That’s why retweeting is so valuable. It’s just like when somebody tells you a funny joke or an interesting story - you don’t keep it to yourself, you share it with your friends and colleagues.
Interaction is what Twitter is all about. There aren’t photo albums to browse through here. There aren’t groups and fanpages to join. It’s all about what you all say in those 140 characters. The more popular Twitter fans spend a large bulk of their time replying to other people. Just like in real life, you have to make yourself sociable and outgoin
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