Article By Terry Brock via Portland Business Journal
Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard about Twitter. It is huge. It is not a fad. It is here to stay and will be a big part of business. It already is and is growing more.
In my speeches I give and the coaching I do I find two types of reactions to Twitter. One group embraces it and is growing their network and their business. Another has a standard, pat answer they give for why they don't use it. If you're in the later category -- get with the program! The same types of arguments were used a decade ago when people told me why they were not on the Internet.
If you're not on Twitter, get there. This is for you bottom-line-oriented, business-focused readers. This is not something you want to miss. Dispense with your standard pat answers about why you aren't there. Instead, wade into it with a focus on how to generate results.
Here are just a few of the ways serious business-minded people are using Twitter now:
* Linking with prospects
* Linking with existing customers
* Finding resources
* Finding the right subcontractors for a specific job
* Getting information on suppliers and their reputation with your trusted peers
* Announcing upcoming events
* Finding out about upcoming events
* Staying current with trends
* Linking to great websites for information
* And thousands more uses!
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Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard about Twitter. It is huge. It is not a fad. It is here to stay and will be a big part of business. It already is and is growing more.
In my speeches I give and the coaching I do I find two types of reactions to Twitter. One group embraces it and is growing their network and their business. Another has a standard, pat answer they give for why they don't use it. If you're in the later category -- get with the program! The same types of arguments were used a decade ago when people told me why they were not on the Internet.
If you're not on Twitter, get there. This is for you bottom-line-oriented, business-focused readers. This is not something you want to miss. Dispense with your standard pat answers about why you aren't there. Instead, wade into it with a focus on how to generate results.
Here are just a few of the ways serious business-minded people are using Twitter now:
* Linking with prospects
* Linking with existing customers
* Finding resources
* Finding the right subcontractors for a specific job
* Getting information on suppliers and their reputation with your trusted peers
* Announcing upcoming events
* Finding out about upcoming events
* Staying current with trends
* Linking to great websites for information
* And thousands more uses!
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