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May 25, 2009

TidyRead - Turn Your Web Reading into a Fast, Smooth, No-fringe Experience

TidyRead is a service that extracts the text from almost any web site and displays it on an easy to read page that removes all of the clutter that can make reading on the internet so hard sometimes. While reading is one of the main activities on the internet, a lot of sites pay very little attention to the readability of their text and the display on smart phones, such as iPhone, iPod Touch and Android phones. Instead, the reader's eye is constantly drawn to other UI elements, ads, and widgets. This problem is even worse when surfing on smart phones. TidyRead is setting to change this and makes online reading and surfing on smart phones enjoyable.

TidyRead provides a browser add-on which strips away all the extra stuff from news or blog article pages, leaving you with some nicely formatted text to read. The extracted article is overlayed with the original page and it is easy to switch back and forth to TidyRead layer or the original content layer.

In the TidyRead mode, you can customize the styles, font size and margin site by site and those customization info are saved on the cookies.

TidyRead can work in Smart Mode that means it automatically extracts and displays the article if TidyRead believe it is an article page with confidence. So you don't need to manually click a button or link to activate the TidyRead.

Furthermore you can customize TidyRead with disallow and allow list.

TidyRead supports Right to Left (RTL) languages and displays well.

TidyRead does it best to keep the original article layout, and intelligently extracts the content images, videos and other objects.

All the image and script files are inside the add-on package and it doesn't send out any information to other outside servers.

Download Free TidyRead Now

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