Author: Tom Purnell
Submits a user definable tweet to your twitter account notifying any twitter followers or friends that a new blog entry has been published on your blog (or an existing published entry has been edited).
Supports inclusion of a permalink to your blog posting in the tweet.
1. Upload twitpress.php to the /wp-content/plugins directory
2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in Wordpress Admin (you may need to be using a wordpress administrator account for this action)
3. Please note that twitpress will create a table in your wordpress database called 'twitpress'. It will clobber any previous table with that name.
4. Fill in your twitter account information in the twitpress configuration menu found in the Manage menu in Wordpress Admin
Go to Twitpress - Twitpress will send out a Tweet every time you post a new blog entry
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