Tweetrush is a service based on our Rush Hour engine that aims to provide estimated stats on Twitter usage over a period of time.
Feel free to click on the top graph for more detailed information about Twitter usage for a given date. You can find out more about us by reading our About section.
TweetRush is a test bed for our new analytics engine called Rush Hour. Basically Rush Hour, instead of looking at page view and clicks, looks at actions and events. These can be located anywhere in the logic that drives any web application.
With TweetRush, we use Rush Hour to analyse the tweet or message sending action of public messages sent via twitter. These come from various sources, the Twitter website and the many Twitter API applications.
We choose to analyse Twitter public data, as all the team love Twitter and its got a large volume of actions that we can analyse in order to test the load capabilities of Rush Hour.
As Rush Hour is still under active development, it is under closed beta. However you can find our more information or sign up for further beta testing at
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Useful Tools and API's
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Useful, Free and Easy Social Networking Tools
Find Rush Hour engine with Tweetrush Now!
Useful Tools and API's
Easy and Free Twitter Tools
Useful, Free and Easy Social Networking Tools