* Shows up to 200 tweets
* Rich text display. *bold* will display as bold, etc.
* Clickable inline links and @names
* Two looks: Balloon and Simple
* Displays border for tweets in which you are referenced in Balloon mode.
* Tap a tweet to view details, send replies, and mark as a favorite.
* Rich text display. *bold* will display as bold, etc.
* Clickable inline links and @names
* Two looks: Balloon and Simple
* Displays border for tweets in which you are referenced in Balloon mode.
* Tap a tweet to view details, send replies, and mark as a favorite.
Explore the latest hot topics with Trends.
* Easy way to check out latest buzz and find new friends.
Search the Twitterverse.
* Search using official Twitter advanced query terms
* Location/Date-based search supported
end and receive direct messages.
* Distinctive look, to separate it from tweets
* Threaded display of sent/received messages
View details of tweets.
* Reply to user (ties directly to this message in the web site - more accurate than a simple @reply).
* Send direct message to user.
* Mark tweets as favorites.
* Delete your own tweets.
* View a user's profile.
View user profile information.
* View favorites/history.
* View a user's friends/followers
Compose tweets and direct messages with ease.
* Upload images via TwitPic.
* Typeahead name matching of friends when sending direct messages.
Download Tweetsville Now!