What is Twitturly?
Twitturly tracks the URLs flying around the Twitterverse and provides a quick, real-time view of what people are talking about on Twitter.
Each time someone tweets a URL to their followers on Twitter, Twitturly takes note of it and applies it as a vote for that URL. The more votes a URL has in the last 24 hours, the higher it ranks on Twitturly's Top100. It's that simple.
Whether people link directly to the final URL, use TinyURL, Snipurl (snurl), or any other URL shortening service, we always count the "votes" correctly because our spiders actually visit every single site before it gets displayed here.
To keep things fresh and the quality high, the Twitturly Top100 only shows the 100 most popular URLs over the last 24 hours. The 24 hours are constantly sliding and because of some extra smart algorithms, you always see what people are currently talking about. And yes, to prevent gaming of our site, those extra smart algorithms catch pretty much all of the spam and robots on twitter too.
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