I have observed that many of the blog and website owners are desperate to make money from their site faster, Here is the fact that there is no such short cut or faster way to earn money from your site.
1. Making money from your site is 80% mental, you got to have positive mental attitude to start with building a site, don't keep unrealistic targets to earn a specific amount per month say 5000$ from the very first month, If you fail to achieve your target you will loose interest and ultimately will be total failure.
2. Don't build your site only for making money, here you should have passion towards your site topic and you should be a good writer writing articles regularly, there is a lot of hard work required to build useful site.
3. Start building a quality site which should be really useful to your visitors (This quality will fetch you lot of money and loyal followers to your site), and then slowly go on increasing your target readers and target money.
4. There is no short cuts in making money from your site, it will take at least 6 months to a year to start earning.
I hope this tips will help you keep patience and start working hard to build a quality site.
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