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Jul 7, 2009

How to Get Free Blog Here is the Guide to get Free Blog

With the fierce competition for readers today, writers need to promote themselves and their business however they can. One of the easiest ways to promote online is to create free blogs. Blogging is a sounding board to connect to followers, whether they're customers, fans, or family.

Here's how to have a blog for free using the following blog sites:

* is a free site powered by Google and lets anyone create a free blog. Authors who are just starting out (that is, their book hasn't hit the New York Times bestsellers list quite yet) will find Blogger easy to use to provide fans with some background information and photos.

* is another free blog site. They offer helpful SEO tips to help the search engines find your hard work as well as blogging tips to make blogs unique and relevant. Topics for blogs and niche selections are discussed. Protocol for maintaining your Choseit blog are outlined along with using RSS feeds.

* also lets authors toot their own horn, for free. In addition, they can earn cash through Google AdSense, eBay, and Amazon ads. HubPages has more than 60,000 writers and 10 million readers each month.

* has 2 million users of their free services that include free websites, blogs, and domain hosting. Weebly touts an "easy drag and drop interface" with 65-plus design templates to choose from. It's possible to upload photos, videos, music, maps in addition to selling products, accepting online bookings, creating a contact form, and more.

* offers free blogging as well as a free email, website, photo albums, and file storage. For $10 per year, they provide a vanity domain name service, which includes one email address.

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