*Thousands of Quality Offers
*Great, Reliable Commissions
*Easy, Guaranteed Payouts
How The Web Works
Plimus’s E-Business platform has been designed from the ground up to drive new revenues through affiliate marketing. There is no better system on the Web for affiliates seeking to represent the best digital goods and services.
Affiliate relationships provide an absolute win-win situation for all the partners involved: developers, publishers, even distributors and, of course, the all-important affiliates themselves.
Affiliate marketing harnesses the powerful network effect of the Internet - but only when affiliates know they can make a solid living and can therefore dedicate their considerable skills to building markets. The Plimus system ensures affiliates the best products; the best commissions; and the easiest and most reliable ways to receive payouts.
Strong Vendor Support Means New & Better Opportunities Daily
For vendors it’s an effortless step to make offerings available to affiliates. They simply check a box, set a commission rate and click Submit; now the offering can be made available to affiliates around the world. And because it is so easy, affiliates know that products and services offered through Plimus are almost certainly available for affiliate re-sale.
Fast for Affiliates
For potential affiliates, joining as a Plimus affiliate is quick and simple. Just sign up and within a few minutes you can start selling from a choice of tens of thousands of the best digital sale lines in the business, with instant access to set-up links, reporting features and our vast affiliate product catalog.
Grow with The Plimus Channels XML Feed
Vendors can also include their products in a free XML feed for distribution to pre-approved affiliate sites. Affiliates who wish to access this feed are invited to apply for access via a Plimus representative.
Go to Plimus Affiliate Network (http://home.plimus.com/ecommerce/)
More Affiliate Marketing Networks and Programs
Free Twitter Tools
Social Networking Tools
Useful Tools and API's
Speeding Up in a Slowdown Google Videos
Adsense Tips and Tricks
Guide and Tips For Bloggers
Affiliate relationships provide an absolute win-win situation for all the partners involved: developers, publishers, even distributors and, of course, the all-important affiliates themselves.
Affiliate marketing harnesses the powerful network effect of the Internet - but only when affiliates know they can make a solid living and can therefore dedicate their considerable skills to building markets. The Plimus system ensures affiliates the best products; the best commissions; and the easiest and most reliable ways to receive payouts.
Strong Vendor Support Means New & Better Opportunities Daily
For vendors it’s an effortless step to make offerings available to affiliates. They simply check a box, set a commission rate and click Submit; now the offering can be made available to affiliates around the world. And because it is so easy, affiliates know that products and services offered through Plimus are almost certainly available for affiliate re-sale.
Fast for Affiliates
For potential affiliates, joining as a Plimus affiliate is quick and simple. Just sign up and within a few minutes you can start selling from a choice of tens of thousands of the best digital sale lines in the business, with instant access to set-up links, reporting features and our vast affiliate product catalog.
Grow with The Plimus Channels XML Feed
Vendors can also include their products in a free XML feed for distribution to pre-approved affiliate sites. Affiliates who wish to access this feed are invited to apply for access via a Plimus representative.
Go to Plimus Affiliate Network (http://home.plimus.com/ecommerce/)
More Affiliate Marketing Networks and Programs
Free Twitter Tools
Social Networking Tools
Useful Tools and API's
Speeding Up in a Slowdown Google Videos
Adsense Tips and Tricks
Guide and Tips For Bloggers