Start generating an income stream from your website today by displaying the latest high-performing offers. You maintain control of your website and choose which offers to run. Earn more revenue with better offers and higher margins. With numerous offers always available we are sure to have offers that will excite & enhance your users and bring you the rewards. Proven easy-to-use publisher interface. Simple & fast ad deployment that can be done by a non-technical person. Fanatical affiliate manager support 24/7 - we sleep with our Blackberries!
Infinite... immeasurable, indefinite, exceedingly above the normal, having no boundaries, limits or end.
IDI Campaigns is a pay-for-performance marketing affiliate network based on this simple philosophy. We are what you've been looking for. Why do all the work yourself? With IDI Campaigns, there is no need to join numerous affiliate networks - we have everything you need. Backed by the knowledge, integrity and know how of Infinite Development Inc, we help you reach for infinity.
Numerous CPL, CPA, CPS and coreg offers
Personalized service and support
Easy & secure code integration
Industry-high program payouts
Accurate real time statistics
Reliable payment of earnings
Campaigns in network: | 100+ |
Base commission: | 1.00 - 100.00 |
Commission type: | CPL, CPA, CPS, CPC, CPM |
Payment method: | Check, PayPal, Wire Transfer |
Payment threshold: | $50 |
Payment frequency: | Monthly |
Affiliate tracking software: | DirectTrack |
Cookie tracking: | 90 |
IP tracking: | Yes |
Realtime statistics: | Yes |
Lifetime Commissions: | Yes |
Co-Branded / White Label: | Yes |
International acceptance: | Yes |
Product datafeed: | No |
Learn More and Sign Up to Join IDI Campaigns Now! at
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